Aug 16, 2015

Summer Update, Which Really Means Tons of Photos of My Kids ;)

Here are some photos of the last month or so.  I love Summer time!!!

I just love this photo!  Every time Lydia wakes up she does this massive whole-body stretch and makes this face.

She's smiling now!  It's nice to get some positive feedback after 8 weeks of mothering someone!

Avery put me up to it.

When Lydia suddenly stops fussing and I look at the monitor, I often see Avery's arm replacing her binky. <3>

Sparky the Sloth.  Look at Lydia's huge noggin!  She's a smart one!

Avery took this photo.  It's got to be  the saddest face I've ever seen!

Notice my straight-er hair again.

There's nothing more beautiful than the sight of your sleeping child.

Avery is growing up way too fast.  Slow down please!

We had a special date together with Avery's favorite things:  Swimming, the park, bubbles, and a LOT of sugar.

We spend a lot of time in the back yard.

Just holding a puppy in my underwear with shoes on backwards.  Another normal day.

Is it me or is she the cutest two year old ever?

Avery held her first ever bug: a slug.  She eyed it nervously lol

And eventually decided it was a friendly slug.

We've had lots of play dates with our buddies.  Today Avery said her best friend was Ruby :)

Best buds occasionally, frenemies frequently ha ha!  Avery is still learning what being "friendly" means, lol.

Todd's band The Statuettes played at Craft Lake City this year.

"Smile, Avery!"
We spent the day at Pineview Reservoir swimming and fishing for a shark.  To Avery's disappointment, we didn't catch one.

Some of my best childhood memories are of fishing trips with my Dad.  Here he's creating new ones with his grand-kids!

My wonderful Mom.  I love this picture of her.

Lydia loved Pineview Reservoir, can't you tell!

Super Grandma playing fetch with the kids.  They loved it, ha ha!

Best way to end a great day.