Jun 19, 2013

2013 Staycation

This year the Pinnell family had a staycation in SLC.  We went to Lagoon (Grandma and Gramps stayed home with all the babies-- thank you!!!!!!) went fishing/swimming at Pineview Reservoir, rented a bounce-house for Grandma's yard, had a slip-n-slide that Nat and I pulled and flung the kids across with the hose, and did a lot of indoor projects.  It was so fun, and Avery loved being with her cousins. 

I didn't take many phone-photos but there are a few.  I didn't get photos of Gramps, Beth, Moya, Alee, or Asher.
Grandma with crying kids, an inevitable part of every family vacation, lol:
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It's hard to tell by the photo, but Jamie was "woooo-hooo"ing like a little kid.  I think he had as much fun as his kids did on this one. :)
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The little boys loved this ride.
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Griff, my waterslide and rollercoaster partner staring into the sun:
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The cool brave older cousins (not including Asher.)
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Avery the chunky monkey.  She loved the lake!
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