Jun 19, 2013

Avery is 8.something months

Avery is so much fun at this age.  She says, "Mama" all the time and "Dada" sometimes.  She gives hi-fives and claps her hands.  Today I asked her to say Banana and she said, "Ba-mama."  It was probably a fluke, kids don't usually talk this early.  Or maybe she is just brilliant. :)
She stands and can take steps if she's holding on to something, but hasn't figured out crawling yet.  She'll sometimes push herself across the room backwards attempting to crawl and get frustrated.  She'll eat a banana like an adult- just chomp big bites right off the fruit.  And she still loves putting things in her mouth and snuggling up to her stuffed animal Unicorn.
Every night she's lip-to-lip with Unicorn.
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Pupils still different sizes.
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