Jun 15, 2014

The Century Bike Ride

I rode a century!  The Little Red Riding Hood hundred mile ride is up around Logan.

At the starting line ready to go!

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We started at 8:23 and skipped the first aid station. We stopped at the second aid station and ran into the rest of our team just as we were leaving. I ate the best oreo smeared with peanut butter ever, yum! Skipped the 3rd aid station and had a really nice stretch from mile 40 to 55. It was a slight downward slope and so beautiful. It felt effortless to just ride forever.
 Then we stopped at mile 50 for lunch. The "sea" of bikes.

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After lunch, I had a hard time getting back into the ride. It was getting really hot and as time passed I started slowing way down. (A side note, around mile 65 there's a long down hill section that I went 44 mph on! I felt like superman!) By mile 70 I was really slowing down at the slightest up hill stretch, and there were a lot of them! Nat left me behind but I caught up to her when I finally rolled into the aid station at mile 78. I was so hot, dehydrated, and tired. I sprayed myself down with ice water and it felt great. Several more awesome peanut butter oreos were consumed. From here I lost Nat but could see the speck of her blue shirt once in a while.

 I had been really dreading the big hill at mile 85 and was anxious to get it over with. In reality, it was no problem. I slowed way down, and for a mile went 7 mph and slowly made my way up the hill. After the hill I felt home free! So I really pushed hard and rode the last 15 miles quite fast. I wasn't holding back any more to preserve energy, I wanted it all spent by the time I finished.

 And finally... I crossed the finish line! It took me 7:04 including all stops. Nat did it in 6:59. This is actually a pic at the 50 mile mark, but I dont' have one from the finish line so it'll have to do. This is pretty much what it looked like anyway, lol.

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The other girls in our group weren't allowed to go more than 70 miles because they didn't ride fast enough, so they added 30 of their own unofficial miles on at the end. I would have done the same thing!

My thoughts on a century:  very cool, I can see myself doing another one in the future!  It felt easier than a marathon, like half the effort, but for twice as long.  It was a hard thing to accomplish!  But much easier on my body than a long road race.  Overall a great experience!


Bethany Wiggins said...

Congratulations!!! What an epic accomplishment.