Nov 5, 2012


This little girl
Almost all day every day Todd and I change diapers, feed, bathe, and clothe Avery.  I have to fight to get in a 20 minute run or a 2 minute shower.  She seems to want to be nursing (or at least pretending to nurse so I leave her there) every waking moment of her life.  She regularly spits up all over me and herself, or pees/poops all over herself and the changing table as soon as we remove her diaper. 
And honestly this is the coolest thing I've ever done.
I would rather be a mom than do anything else in the world!!  Even travel, run, rock climb, bike, camp, surf, or any of my other favorite things to do.  It has taken me by surprise how much I truly love it.  And oh my do I love this little girl!
Is there anything sweeter then daddy falling in love with his little girl??

Notice I'm in pajamas.  This is my new favorite outfit I wear most days.  Ha ha.