May 7, 2013

Avery is 6 Months Old

Avery is six months old!  Sometimes I beg her to slow down and go back to that sweet newborn stage- I loved it so much!  But at the same time I am enjoying her more and more as she grows.  She has become so much FUN!  I feel like she and I understand each other and it is awesome.

At six months she's sitting up really well, she's rolling over, she has one tooth starting to poke out, and she babbles, "ma ma ma" and, "da da da."  And she is squishy and rolly polly as ever.

To celebrate her half birthday we had a picknick.  
Here are a bunch of photos of her for your viewing pleasure:

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Daddy's girl
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She wears this shower cap all the time, he he. 

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Awesome Hairdos
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All Clear!

Avery's second MRI came back normal.  I felt like I lost 20 pounds just hearing those words.
My heart really goes out to all moms out there who aren't so fortunate. :(   :(   :(   I didn't realize that the hard part of being a parent would be like this.
I still get nervous when I see her eyes blink asymmetrically. But it is not a brain tumor like they feared.

This MRI was much better.  We asked for sedation BEFORE they started the IV so they squirted some versed in her nose and waited for her to get all loopy and then tried for the IV.  They got one in her ankle on the 3rd try and she hardly seemed to mind.

My poor baby.  What a relief.

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New House

We are about to close on a new house!  We needed more than two bedrooms per floor to make it easier to have more kids.  Plus interest rates are really low right now.  Plus we really REALLY wanted a garage. :)

It is 35 years old and 35 years out dated, so we will have to gut the place and start from scratch to make it our dream home.  
Here are some photos:

  Notice the green walls and 70's curtains and carpet:
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 Awesome closed off kitchen with antique stove. 
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 Huge master bedroom (almost twice as big as our current one.)  And 70's carpets and curtains.
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