Feb 28, 2015

Little Miss Sunshine

I thought I knew what love was when I started dating Todd.  I thought I knew what love was when we got married.  I thought I knew what love was when Todd and I together left the Mormon church.  I was sure I knew what it was when we were wandering lost through a blizzard on top of the Half Dome in Yosemite, not sure if we'd see the light of another day.

And then Avery was born.


I see.

Now I get it.

She is the sunshine that wakes me up and keeps me going.  She is truly the love of my life!  

And because she is my child, she is only mine for 16 more years, and then I have to let her go. :(
 I feel like I never really understood love until she came into my life.
And I know that Todd feels the same, and that makes me happy. 
Avery is so smart.  A week after she turned two, she knew the entire alphabet.  Not just the song, she could identify and say each letter.  She can sing a dozen songs and hold conversations I didn't expect to have for years.  (Ever explain to a two year old why she doesn't need a bra but her mom does?)
She is so happy that she has to dance from room to room instead of walk.  She is very independent and has to dress herself and blow her own nose and choose all her outfits.  She puts on makeup which I sneakily wipe off before we leave the house.  She can use the remote control and the computer mouse.

She is amazing and I am so in love with her!