Feb 4, 2015

Panama Part Four: More Good Stuff

Here are tons of pics of the great trip. We did so many amazing things and really loved it!
Red Frog Beach

Turtle Beach- my favorite
The walk to red frog beach

The beach break on Red Frog beach was not good for surfing but really fun to play and boogy board in.

I felt so good and happy!  Seriously I think I'm allergic to Utah and the only antidote is the Ocean.

One day after a long hard surf session we rented bikes to go to Bluff Beach.  Our rusty clunky hunk of junk bikes barely made the 1.5 hour journey on the road and through the sand but we eventually pulled up to Bluff.  I felt like a rusty clunky hunk myself, as I barely survived the ride in the heat!

Becca found a hammock and had to use gymnast skills to get inside.

Bluff Beach was so beautiful, but I had ZERO energy left after surfing and biking so I sat in the shade trying not to throw up and watched Becca and Casey take it all in.

We spent a few days on Isla Bastimentos and got lots of relaxing and hiking in.
This was the hostel we stayed in: The Bocas Island Lodge.  We were very happy here and loved listening to the loud jungle sounds at night.  It was a 5 minute walk through the jungle to get to Red Frog Beach.

Casey the converted world traveler

We swam with bioluminescent algae and plankton!  It was a life wish of mine that I had no idea I would get to accomplish on this trip.  It was nearly impossible to photograph, so I grabbed these off Google.com.

It was too deep to touch where we were swimming.  There was total darkness around us except the stars above and the glowing plankton around us.  It was so magical and felt like a dream!

We saw a lot of wild life too.  Frogs, an armadillo, monkeys, a tree rat, and a lot of of sloths!

These guys were tiny
The size of a penny.  And poisonous.

Nap time.  He stayed like this for more than 12 hours!

We started calling my baby "Sloth" which I may one day regret. ;)