Jul 6, 2016

Lydia is ONE!

Lydia turned 1 on June 17!! She was so sick (stomach bug, ear infection and cold) that we canceled all festivities and I still have the lemon blueberry cake I made from scratch in the freezer.

Her sad b-day celebration she wasn't the slightest bit interested in.
Lydia scoots and drags her right leg and foot on the ground, resulting in perma-chapped skin.  She's very sweet, can say about 8 words (mama dadda dog cat bath uh-oh nanna (bananna) hi) has 2 little rat teeth on the bottom and one upper side tooth that just poked through.  She loves to be tossed around and climbs all over the dog with glee.  She loves books, milk, the cat, and Avery (although she frequently screams at the slightest hint of contact from Avery... Siblings lol)  She loves standing and practicing walking.  She'll cruise along the furniture or walk holding on tight to our fingers.

She's such a joy and though I am glad that the first year is behind us, I will always miss the baby stage.  This little girl has cultivated pure love and joy within me.  And I will forever hold her in my heart.