Dec 30, 2015

Lydia is SIX Months Old

Wow does the time fly! Lydia is now half a year old! She's such a sweetie. For the most part she is very calm, good natured and content. IMG_8792 




Lydia is very observant and easily distracted by noises because she just wants to see everything going on. Nursing has been a challenge because she wants to watch everything in the room rather than stare at me and eat. She is quite a smiler, and lights up when she sees Avery, her Dad, and especially me. When she sees something she wants she gets so excited that her limbs flail uncontrollably, in a terrific ten-second frenzy. She's very focused on grabbing, handling, and mouthing everything she can get a hold of. She occasionally takes a bottle, has rolled twice on accident, and resolutely hates Enfamil formula.  She sits up well and LOVES to be swaddled as well as to be tossed or spun around.  Her laugh is like candy for my ears if they had taste buds, it is so cute.  She and Avery sometimes laugh and laugh together, I just love it.  

Lydia used to be in the 90% for weight, and now she's in the 55%. She's always been about 50% for height. I'm working on getting her to take formula because I'm afraid my milk is decreasing.  She is such a joy!